I think I'll be doing my graduate work in European Aboriginal studies, since apparently, it's rumoured that they don't actually exist, or if they did, they don't now, or aren't continuous after all the Xian fundie persecutions. Thanks for proving how necessary that research is, and for giving me the idea..
This FB status of mine was universally Liked from so many of my friends, of all different heritages and faiths. It was one of my most popular ever. Yet, it was in response to one of my alleged friends who has continually seen fit to post anti-witch hate on my FB page, in a constant attempt to deny our existence, veracity, tradition, or continuation. I remain bemused why it is so important to insist that we either never existed, or were exterminated, or are a "traditional folklore monster", and that modern pagans are somehow using the term for 'shock value.' There are so many issues with this that I can't begin to deconstruct it all at once, but it is vital to defend our right to claim ourselves, and fight the dominant Christian narrative of who we are.
I've gone into some of the pathology on anti-witch bigotry and Blood Libel
before, but clearly, there needs to be more said, with movies still being produced that encourage our
'hunting', called an "exciting and informative film about witches" by my
totally non-hateful friend. But we're much smarter than the dolts who slurped up
the anti-Jewish Nazi propaganda, and no one believes what they see on film, especially
if it's about a myth, right? Yeah. Of course not. And my neighbours don't
threaten to burn down my house, either, or my otherwise intelligent co-workers
quietly whisper the question "Could Blair Witch actually happen?"
I feel a little helpless sometimes. When I have these discussions, I
assume that my fellow debater has the basic grasp that they are living in a background radiation of the Christian narrative. When I realize that I have to drop the level to something of a first
year University course, or maybe even high school, to have a
reasonable exchange, I nearly despair of ever reducing the spectre of
oppression and persecution. Hence, the title of this post. I will be using actual public comments as an example to counter some of the most pervasive, harmful, and just bizarrely weird
Claims that still pervade the literature make it nearly impossible for us to legitimize ourselves and our heritage. Here are some comments on the latest witch hate movie, from an otherwise intelligent person.
Claims that still pervade the literature make it nearly impossible for us to legitimize ourselves and our heritage. Here are some comments on the latest witch hate movie, from an otherwise intelligent person.
"The film's characterization of witches was true to the original traditional folk tale the Bros Grimm collected and published 200 years ago, and that has clear antecedents stretching back centuries before that. Surely all that folklore, i.e. oral history, can't be wrong? Or is it only wrong if it says bad things about witches, but is right if it says good things? ...The film doesn't say anything about modern-day witches. "there are some good "white witches" whose magic heals rather than harms, and the common (evil) witches really hate them. No sign of this in the original folk tales (unless one is re-branding fairy godmothers), so I think that's a nod to modern ideas of witchcraft (as having good as well as evil elements)." ...I'm a lot more confident in the existence of Jews than of witches, sidhe, unicorns, or dragons."
He claims that witches are a "traditional folklore monster". Whose tradition? Well, not ours, surely. Though we have many magic 'bad guys' in faerie tales, which translates close to "witches" in Irish, they are usually part of the trial of the heroine or hero; the adversarial mentor they must overcome to learn their lesson or win their prize. It's not a quality of witches per se, but those witches in those stories do have that role. "Folklore" usually applies to stories and beliefs of the peasantry, that is, the country folk, where the term 'pagan' comes from in Latin. So not the learned Christians, then, but the propaganda spread by the power elite to the people, and not the pagan people, either, but their own leadable 'flock'. "Monster' is the most obvious smear. It's used for people who are so evil they are no longer human, which makes it easy to exterminate them without mercy, or even trial, in some cases.
Obviously, if a group tells horrific, disgusting or offensive stories about another people, that must be who they are. No one would make up that stuff up to suppress, oppress, or exterminate them. (First Nations, Gypsies, gays...cough, cough...) I've gone into the (totally non-racist) problem of the perpetuation of the myth of "white" and "black" i.e. 'evil' witches before. Relegating witches to the category of mythical creatures, usually horrible ones, since he later suggests he could call himself an ogre but that doesn't make him one, isn't a harmless or theoretically amusing trivialization. It is deliberately associating us with fantasy, so we couldn't really exist, except in our own minds, and even if we did, we are inherently supernaturally evil. (Hmm... supernaturally evil...Sorry. My mind wanders... Where were we?)
Obviously, if a group tells horrific, disgusting or offensive stories about another people, that must be who they are. No one would make up that stuff up to suppress, oppress, or exterminate them. (First Nations, Gypsies, gays...cough, cough...) I've gone into the (totally non-racist) problem of the perpetuation of the myth of "white" and "black" i.e. 'evil' witches before. Relegating witches to the category of mythical creatures, usually horrible ones, since he later suggests he could call himself an ogre but that doesn't make him one, isn't a harmless or theoretically amusing trivialization. It is deliberately associating us with fantasy, so we couldn't really exist, except in our own minds, and even if we did, we are inherently supernaturally evil. (Hmm... supernaturally evil...Sorry. My mind wanders... Where were we?)
No, my ancestresses did not live in "candy cottages, worship Satan, conjure demons, eat children, ride brooms through the air, or cast spells to dry up dairy herds, blight crops, spread pox, or otherwise harm the community". Defining witches as only those who fulfil that criteria, and then insisting that I therefore cannot be a witch because I don't do all that is a most circular argument, and again, impossible to comply with. Satan is the Christian Antagonist. You have to believe in the Christian world view to be a Satanist or have any business with Him. Pagans do not, and never have. Besoms are, for most varieties of witches, sacred because of their symbolism, so most of us use them in ritual. We can't fly on them, though, so we must not be real. Another attack is confusing medieval Christian propaganda with modern reClaimist, largely Wiccan mythology to make them seem somehow equatable and equally untrue. Modern witches, the argument goes, have created themselves, and historical witches are fantasy, because they are both story sets. "Medieval Christians told stories of women who served Satan and hid in forests eating children. Modern-day witches tell stories of women who followed pre-Christian traditions and harvested forest herbs for healing. I don't actually believe either set of stories - each served or serve a purpose for the people who told/tell stories of them." Medieval Christians told stories about their rivals, the witches, in a propaganda extravaganza. Just because those stories are ludicrous doesn't mean the real witches didn't exist. They told nasty stories about the Pope being Satan, too. Does that mean he didn't exist?
The Church adopted pagan traditions when it couldn't destroy them. Many forms of paganism survived under a veneer of Christianity. Many of those were a discrete, independent faith and tradition surviving under those very priests, and would have resulted in accusations of witchcraft if the more orthodox and especially non-local authorities got wind of it.
The word Witch is of middle Germanic origin. Similar traditional beliefs and practices were called by a different names in different languages, but they would be called 'witch' in English, and would be persecuted by the same people in the same way with the same accusations were they discovered. Witches were and are real, regardless of what they were called in that language or area, and some of those caught in the net of persecution were authentic. Many were not, of course, and some were simply heretical, which is quite different. However, the term has been co-opted by the Christians to define us, especially in the English tradition. Healers, seers, midwives, abortionists, and local authorities were often accused of witchcraft by the Church, and yet many of those were in fact authentic pagan practitioners, even with a touch of Christianity for camouflage.
This is still one of my favorite pics. It's an official witch group that made it into the 20th century, from a real institution and with the uniform intact. They weren't playacting or at a costume ball. They were healers, there were 13 of them, and they wore their traditional red robes as well as the hats. Deniers claiming that they can't be witches because they were "Christian holy sisters who attended chapel every day" and the hat shapes were just co-incidence is pushing even the bounds of common sense. WHY did those hats and those robes and that number become associated with the healing tradition, and why does that follow the witch healing tradition so exactly? Because the tradition existed before they became Christian holy sisters.
It's actually impossible to believe that so many of these 'hunts' went on
wherever fundie European Christians went without a shred of real witchcraft
traditions to back up their claims. One could only consider it wilful
ignorance. Social science backs up the claims of these traditional aboriginal beliefs and practices, known as witches in English, from all over Europe, in a continual line to this time. From Estonia. From Bulgaria. 1 2 From Germany. 1 2 3
Every culture has its magic workers, and some are professional
or semi-professional, serving their communities, usually with varying degrees of
respect and local power. Witch is a real term that was used with pride, and
described a very specific group of English professional pagans, usually women. It was therefore
the term used when the Christians wanted to usurp the power positions and land the
pagans owned. In other areas, they were called by their traditional names, of
course, though when translated into English, the term 'witch' is the equivalent.
In Ireland, it was often 'faerie' or various forms of Druid. In Italy, it was
strega. In German, it was Hexan. All of those terms and professions were
attacked by the Christian fundie patriarchy that coveted their land and power. Nearly all of
those terms are now being reClaimed by the traditional witches in their
homelands, too, by the way...
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The Sami People: Shamans and Symbols |
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Map of Europe's tribes at the beginning of the Common Era. Click here to enlarge. |
Of course, each variety of magic worker had different traditions, but most
still go by certain general roles and specialities: healers, seers, shamans, and sub-sets
of those. Many had a mystical relationship with animals and plants, some could
communicate with or visit the Other World, many told fortunes, some were
priestesses and priests of the Old Goddesses, Gods, and Spirits of their
area. Many were local judges, who carried the authority of common law and officiated at life events- another reason they were tempting targets.
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ROMANIA: Stag on New Year’s Day“These traditions come from Neolithic times— from shamanism — and they have never stopped,” Charles Fréger More living European Aboriginal costumes and descriptions here. |
Options for survival were limited. Like the Jews who were persecuted in places like medieval
Spain and more modern Germany, if one wanted to remain, and not flee (and where would
all the magic workers go?), you had to hide in plain sight or hide out of sight.
Now, in most of their persecutions, some of the Jews chose to get baptised, even though they kept most of their
family traditions intact. In a few generations, they seemed like other Christians,
but sometimes the family would recover and reconvert to their traditional heritage
when the all-clear was visible, and the danger largely passed. Are they still
real Jews? The pagan shrines and
priestesses and priests who survived with most of their traditions intact did so
by making a deal with Christianity: they got to keep their deities, put Saint on the
front of their name, stick a cross on the lot, say your vows to Christ, and you got to
keep most of your land, sacred stuff, and culture. The nuns at Kildare did that,
for example. Before it was a Bridgetine Christian nunnery, it was a pagan Bridgetine
nunnery. Kildare's sacred Flame to Bridget as the Sun aspect didn't go out for over a 1000 years, quite seamlessly with the Christian takeover, too. Many of the Abbeys and monasteries made the same deal. Their holy
orders carried on much as usual, but under a new banner. The families
experienced the same problem, and usually opted for the same solution. We are
always there, however, passing on our knowledge to our children, helping out our
neighbours, worshipping in the Old ways and places, even if those places now
have crosses on them, and we use Saint in front of their names. During less
dangerous times, however, like the Jews and Gypsies, we tend to sneak back out,
just to test the waters, because the myths encouraging self-loathing and living
under a veneer are always oppressive.
We can see how long it takes for pagan beliefs to be truly usurped, and
what happens when fundie Christianity finally takes over. Iceland, for example, was
the last place in Europe to officially convert, in about 1000 CE. Yet they still
maintained much of their egalitarian society, including their matriarchal naming
system, and the oldest continual democracy in the Western world. As spirits of the earth, elves are still
very real and negotiated with during any building project. In this recent economic crisis, the largely women leaders let the banks fail, jailed their CEO's and saved the people who were suffering. That's what even the shadow of European Aboriginal paganism can do. It takes an eon to
destroy most of our systems and beliefs and replace it with the unnatural and exploitive patriarchy. The rest of Europe was taken over much
earlier, so less of our original systems are left. In some cases, only traces remain, except where the
deals were made. Cultural archaeology is useful for uncovering those traces, and
many folklorists and fam trad witches are recovering their heritage with these
techniques and researches. Are they still witches, even when the rest of the
family for generations called themselves Christian, believed they were Christian, and did
Christian things in public? Were the Jews who recovered their heritage generations
later really Jews? I'm no Rabbi. Maybe I'll ask one, but I certainly can't
decide for them, nor can non-witches define who we are, either.
Wiccans, which was never used as a noun for magic workers in any language,
are a modern amalgam of a gathering of presumed pagan traditions from around the
world, largely from Western Europe. It's very recent, but obviously satisfies,
since it's one of the fastest growing religions in North America. Few therefore
have a sense of long term history, like the traditionalists, or of future
centuries. They usually feel the threat of persecution as an empathy of
possibility, as social slights, not an imminent personal danger, like stoning.
(It doesn't feel real until one hits you. I can tell you that for a fact.) They
are a valid subset of witches, new pagans for a modern age, and rely on the
legitimacy of traditionalist beliefs, rituals, and reClaimed and recovered
paganism from many areas to form their systems.
I am not a Wiccan. I'm a traditional witch, raised in an family of no
faith, which maintained a few Christian rituals when required, like weddings and
funerals (which always disgusted, since we totally weren't that. I always loathe hypocrisy, especially to maintain an illusion.) Our obvious
connections to the old ways were strongly denied, and I am still ostracised for
recognizing and celebrating them, rather than continuing to hide and secretly
hate who we are. My sense of deity, beliefs, and abilities were always with me, my skills
improved with practice and training, and I now teach a mixture of internal
knowledge and external scientific learning, as witches have always done. I have had witch tools since my Initiation when I was 12. My cat-friend familiar was with me for 20 years, but she didn't eat souls or babies. (Go figger!) I am a professional witch operating in the traditional trade of healing. My faith has always been a source of unfailing joy and positive interaction for me. Just wish that would follow with the Haters I meet up with... My primary mentor was raised Eastern Orthodox, but the magic and witch rituals were part
and parcel of her family's personal faith, even though it clearly had nothing to do
with Christianity in any way, and would get them burnt in more volatile times.They would still call themselves Christian, though my mentor has always been more
honest, and changed her name to a proper witch one years ago. She'll be 70
soon... My daughter is proud of her family and who we are. She has her new familiar (she picked the only non-black kitten. Where did I go wrong?) and just cut her first wand. My son shows no
inclination. Makes sense with his personality, though...
We are still here. We will always be here. Just like Aboriginals from around the world, the only way you can truly be rid of us is to exterminate us all. Like all oppressed people, we will hide, sometime for hundreds of years, but we will rise again the moment we can. Women led, women powered, women held, we hold the key to healing the Earth, bringing forth real change and egalitarian democracy, and creating social and environmental justice. I have always stood with my FN sisters, and my sisters all over the globe, since I have always known who I was and where I had come from. Women's magic can save the world, and I will do my part to nurture, illuminate, support, and disseminate it, against the context of the Christian fundie oppressors. We, too, must be Idle No More.
We are still here. We will always be here. Just like Aboriginals from around the world, the only way you can truly be rid of us is to exterminate us all. Like all oppressed people, we will hide, sometime for hundreds of years, but we will rise again the moment we can. Women led, women powered, women held, we hold the key to healing the Earth, bringing forth real change and egalitarian democracy, and creating social and environmental justice. I have always stood with my FN sisters, and my sisters all over the globe, since I have always known who I was and where I had come from. Women's magic can save the world, and I will do my part to nurture, illuminate, support, and disseminate it, against the context of the Christian fundie oppressors. We, too, must be Idle No More.
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Idealized and romanized Celtic/ UK Aboriginal image, including face shape. |
Quotes are from my FB friend's public posts, early March 2013, unless otherwise indicated. I think he should remain nameless...
An abridged version was printed on Witchvox., March 17, 2013.
Read the version on Witch's Voice and I thought you might appreciate this book suggestion. Grave Mercy by R. L. LaFevers is a novel about a young woman who goes to stay in the convent of St. Mortain. Later in book it becomes clear that it is a convent such as the one at Kildare that you mention, one that was pagan but converted to a christian model. It turns out that they turn the women accepted into the Convent into holy assassins doing the will of their God, or Saint. Very good read and an interesting fictitious example of that kind of convent.
A few fiction books, often science fiction, can be useful re-visionings of our past or future. Some of my favourite fiction teaching books are the
DeleteFlat Earth series by Tanith Lee http://www.amazon.com/Deliriums-Mistress-Novel-Earth-Series/dp/0886771358 ,
The Chronicles of Tonor series by Elizabeth A Lynn http://www.amazon.com/Chronicles-Tornor-The-Northern-Girl/dp/0441007279/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_7 , The Word for World is Forest by Le Guin, http://www.amazon.ca/Word-World-Forest-Ursula-Guin/dp/0765324644
and one of the best feminist utopias, The Wanderground http://books.google.ca/books/about/The_wanderground.html?id=HbpaAAAAMAAJ
Thanks for the suggestion!
"KNOWLTON in Dorset has a 12th century church set within a huge 4000-year-old earthen henge. This was no accident but a deliberate act on the part of the Catholic Church. Pope Gregory showed his approval of this policy in a letter to the Abbot Mellitus who was in Britain in A.D. 601.
ReplyDelete“I have long been considering in my own mind concerning the matter of the English people; to wit, that the temples of the idols in that nation ought not to be destroyed; but let the idols that are in them be destroyed; let water be consecrated and sprinkled in the said temples, let altars be erected, and relics placed there. For if those temples are well built, it is requisite that they be converted from the worship of devils to the service of the true God; that the nation, seeing that their temples are not destroyed, may remove error from their hearts, and knowing and adoring the true God, may the more freely resort to the places to which they have been accustomed. And because they are used to slaughter many oxen in sacrifice to devils, some solemnity must be given them in exchange for this, as that on the day of the dedication, or the nativities of the holy martyrs, whose relics are there deposited, they should build themselves huts of the boughs of trees about those churches which havebeen turned to that use from being temples, and celebrate the solemnity with religious feasting, and no more offer animals to the Devil, but kill cattle and glorify God in their feast, and return thanks to the Giver of all things for their abundance; to the end that, whilst some outward gratifications are retained, they may the more easily consent to the inward joys. For there is no doubt that it is impossible to cut off every thing at once from their rude natures; because he who endeavours to ascend to the highest place rises by degrees or steps, and not by leaps. Thus the Lord made Himself known to the people of Israel in Egypt; and yet He allowed them the use, in His own worship, of the sacrifices which they were wont to offer to the Devil, commanding them in His sacrifice to kill animals, to the end that, with changed hearts, they might lay aside one part of the sacrifice, whilst they retained another; and although the animals were the same as those which they were wont to offer, they should offer them to the true God, and not to idols; and thus they would no longer be the same sacrifices.”
This process of syncresis can be viewed either an instance of an older culture losing out to a new one or as part of a broader cultural evolution in which an older belief gradually melded into another."